My Journey in

Robotics &
Machine Learning

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Junior College Hwa Chong Infocomm and Robotics Society (HCIRS)

⚙️ Hardware
Y1, Y2 Projects in Garage@EEE Makerspace

💻 Software
Y3 Research Student at A*STAR I2R and KCL
Y4 VP of Academics of Machine Learning Club @EEE
  Robotics SWE Intern at Augmentus

Junior College: the spark of interest ✨

I was in the Hwa Chong Infocomm Robotics Club (HCIRS)
leading my team in joining Robocup competition

Robocup 2018 Montreal Robocup 2019 Sydney

Robocup 2019 Sydney

We built a humanoid robot (on a mobile base) for a dance performance!

the robot 🤖
+ Pose detection
laptop 🕺
= Onstage
Performance 🔥

Upgrade: Exo-suit

After the competition, I built an exo-suit with 16 encoders,
increasing the DOF to directly control the robot

Exo-suit Front Back

School Science Fair

Suit up! Showcasing to the principal

Year 1: Serial Linkage Robot 🖇️

Inspired by surgical robots, we wanted to see how far we can build
a 6 DOF Robot arm Teleoperator from scratch!


  • Understand Serial Linkage Robot Kinematics concepts
  • Robotics Toolbox Python by Dr Peter Corke from QUT
  • ESP32 Bluetooth communication
Robot Arm Teleoperated Controller

Final Product

Year 2: Parallel Linkage Robot 🔗🔗

After Serial Linkage Robot, I wanted to explore Parallel Linkage Robot by
building a Stewart Platform using Linear Actuators

Hacks 🛠️: Digital Vernier Caliper

  • Buying Encoded Linear Actuator is expensive 💸
  • Used Digital Vernier Caliper for distance measurement 📏

Vernier calipers PCB Analyze digital signal Attachment

Motor Controller

  • Implemented PID controller using 6 Arduino Nano Microcontrollers
Actuator control Fully Assembled

Final Product

Year 3: Software & Research 💻

I focused on implementing various algorithms from research papers


King’s College London

King’s College London: Gelsight Sensor

  • Fabrication of Gelsight Visual Tactile Sensor
    • Silicone layer interacts with the object
    • Camera processes the deformation to provide features

Sensor Components Image Processing

A*STAR I2R: Implementation

  • Implemented State Estimation Techniques: Kalman Fitler, Factor Graphs
  • Implemented Deep Reinforment Learning: SAC, T3D, PPO

Mounted Sensor Manipulation

Year 4: Application

I was the Vice President of the Machine Learning and Data Analytics Club (MLDA@EEE) AY 23/24


Led the Academics committee to organize Robotics, ML workshops

GPU Management & MLDA Robotics Team

Utilized the club compute resources and capacity for other initiatives

GPU Management for
students ML Projects
MLDA Robotics Team for
Simulation Competitions

Augmentus: Scan & Plan

Interned as a Robotics Developer, implementing algorithms:
Inverse Kinematics, Trajectory Planning, …

Hobbies ▶️ 🖌️ 🎨

  • Follow Robotics and Machine Learning, AI news
  • Try out current latest tools
Stable Diffusion + Controlnet
Neural Radiance Field

Hobbies ▶️ 🖌️ 🎨

(Ipad Procreate)
(Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator)


LinkedIn Github Portfolio